I’d always had a sneaking suspicion that lyricists were some of the smartest people out there, and C. Shreve seems to prove my hypothesis to be correct. While not out and about teaching mad knowledge to young adults, he’s spitting rhymes and doing it pretty damn well.

Keeping the hook and verse equally memorable (not an easy feat), he’s also given help by the stunning production. It’s not always I get smart men to eloquently explain their work to me, so in his own words he explains – “This song is about the contrast between the desires and needs that we all have & the dichotomy between theory and practice.” I couldn’t have said it any better. 

C. Shreve has a gritty voice and he’s not afraid to use it. He has an album in the works, out on December 4th titled, “Professing Vol. 2.” He’s also part of the Free the Optimus Collective