I’m not usually one for the more “poppy” side of music—I mean, yes I like Hot Chip, and CHVRCHES or MSMR, and I do have a sweet spot for Katy Perry (although that may be for reasons other than her music), but…

I guess long story short I’m not a fan of Pop music. It makes me cringe more often than not, if I’m allowed to be bluntly honest, and perhaps it’s this disposition that makes it so impressive to me that I enjoyed ILIA DARLIN‘s song “We Do What We Like” so much. As with any “poppy” song, I’m not in it for the lyrics, and as with any song of this ilk, there aren’t many lyrics to pull from. But I am in it for the subtle joy I get in dancing stupidly to music, and this song is perfect for that.

It’s the type of music that grabs you with it’s catchiness and rewards your attention with crisp vocals that sound like an odd combo of Pat Benatar, Madonna and Ke$ha, which is refreshing considering how well that vocal cocktail nestles in with the song’s theatrics. It’s a jolly tune, all in all, and the video is odd enough for me to respect its DIY aesthetic. Keep an eye on this chick in the future.