Wow, super glad I was on the internet tonight. J. Cole has been really hyping everyone up with little releases here and there, and now, “Forbidden Fruit” has really caught some attention. This banger features friend and fellow rapper, Kendrick Lamar, and if you don’t know about him… well, welcome to 2013, catch up. With a reference thrown in about Kanye West (their albums are slated to come out only a few days apart), J. Cole shows that he can sell himself without any gimmicks. His talent shines through in this 90’s underground hip hop beat which samples A Tribe Called Quest.  

And while, yes, the album has unfortunately leaked, this song is stacked in the middle of what is surely a wide array of other fantastic tracks. Born Sinner will be officially released on June 25th. He also has some shows coming up, however, no official tour for the album has been made public.