Whoever thinks that dubstep is on a decline hasn’t heard DJ Mugg’s “Headfirst.” With Danny Brown, eclectic rapper of 2013 (at least in terms of guest features), in tow, the DJ brings a headbanging, scream-worthy, sweat-dripping, song that might direct some attention away from the recent news regarding Skream (in short: he’s done with that part of his life). It’s interesting to see the two work together, Danny Brown is always unpredictable, and the outcome is far from what was to be expected, but still great to listen to. 

While this video was certainly not the song to wake up groggily to, it is a song to bump at night, and the video itself is insane. The song is on the DJ’s album, Bass For Your Face, which is out now. The rapper himself just finished his tour and Old, his album, is coming out soon via Fool’s Gold Records