Some bands surf their own synthesizers. Jesse Ruins dodge them like characters trapped in a video game. A brand new signing to tastemaking label Lefse Records, this Tokyo three-piece wind deceptively innocent pastels around ripcord Cure bass lines. “Talk To Alicia”, the second track to be unveiled from the band’s forthcoming debut record A Film, rides a mutated mechanical beat as shapeless vocals and sharp leads chase each other. Like My Bloody Valentine, Jesse Ruins treat the human voice as just another formation of an alien landscape. You won’t make out any lyrics here; the song says what it has to say with the space between bright neon and dark corners. 

Jesse Ruins – Talk To Alicia

Hear Jesse Ruins’ first single “Laura Is Fading” over at The FaderA Film is due out from Lefse on May 21


Jesse Ruins

A Film

  • Lefse Records
  • 5/21/2013