Sometimes we need to take a step back and realize some of the good parts of life. This is where Theophilus London’s newest release, “Rio” comes in.

In this tropical new song, London, with the help of The Menahan Street Band, explores Rio de Janero, and brings a little escape to the everyday hustle and bustle of life. It’s not the first time he’s brought a little paradise to his music, but it’s certainly been a little while. It’s the perfect way to get an escape- a little internal holiday for the tough lives we each individually lead. Although it might not be as perfect as a real trip to Brazil or Hawaii or even back into our beds for another nap, at least we got something new out of the underground artist and a little something new to play on the computer.

Hopefully a vacation is on your way, but if not, no worries, “Rio” will be a mini-escape from your day.

Theophilus London has got some tour dates, including Coachella these next two weekends. No word on an album release quite yet, but hopefully more news comes with the release of this single. The Menahan Street Band has The Crossing, out now on their homepage.