It’s hard to be a rock band in a world that seems obsessed with dancing and all things electronic. Personally, I would say that I stopped listening to what I considered rock about 5 years ago. No need to go into the specifics of why, or the nitty-gritty of genres, but I lost faith. New York’s Suntalk does a great job of creating a beautiful song that brings back my own faith in contemporary rock, but still pleases my electronic tendencies. I’m happy to premiere “Darkness” from their forthcoming debut EP, set to release in January.

When Raanan Adler met singer Demetrius Subbaiah, they both set out “to make compelling music that spoke with intent.” Backed by energetic percussion and guitars hooks, Demetrius parallels the bittersweet emotion and makes you want to sing along. “Darkness” is easily likable and an infectious debut.

Suntalk gives life to a sound that makes us reminisce to the early half of the 2000’s, when bands like The Killers, EditorsMuse, and Interpol were all at their prime. They breathe life back into this style of alternative rock, but manage to make something that holds up to 2013’s electronic standard.