Trap never fails to turn a party up. With that being said, it’s a big elephant in the room that not every rapper out there rhyming over this style is the most lyrically gifted. There are some however, and the underground artist slaying it in both amazing production and strong lyrical content is Ryshon Jones

The beat upon first couple moments is already enough to draw the listener in. Produced by Hi$to, this work itself should have gotten its own post. However, Jones is the one that makes the song truly special, with enough attitude and aggression to make that teenage girl across the street wince. He’s amazingly talented, never detracting from the magnetic power of the production, yet still drawing enough attention with his fast lines and creative style. He laments that people don’t focus on the words, but he’s definitely got us listening here. It’s a track that proves that quality always beats quantity, even if it doesn’t always seem like it. 

Ryshon Jones is set to release a new project, Track Fifteen, next year.