It’s easy to imagine that the man with the ability to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and hold down the position of Creative Director at the new MySpace can do pretty much anything when he puts his mind to it. Kenna drops a visually stunning new one for his equally beautiful song “Love Is Still Alive”. Flashes of color intersect with blurry images of the singer and a female who has some seriously seductive eyes and moves. The tone of the song definitely intersects with the direction of the visual, and Kenna shows his face just enough to not interfere with the message this one portrays. If you are looking for something upbeat with a sensual backing, look no further. The release is the first off his latest EP, Land 2 Air Chronicles II: Imitation Is Suicide Chapter 2, which is available now. Chapter 3 in the series is slated to drop onĀ November 26th.