In a time where most hip-hop artists generally stick to a single overarching theme in regards to their music ( I think it’s safe to say that Rick Ross won’t be making any conscious raps anytime soon), North Carolina emcee Fluent delivers a striking contrast between thought provoking rhymes and the occasional club hit. His latest mixtape, Retro Futureis proof that the young up and comer has no plans of being a one trick pony. “Po’d Up”, the one track in particular that showcases his abilities to craft a club banger, has Fluent speaking on the euphoric and intoxicating feelings of inebriation over a futuristic, hi hat prominent beat supplied by J.Cardim .

What’s most surprising about the song is hearing Florida native SpaceGhostPurrp drop a verse, as he told the general public twice that he would be ending his rap career (sounds like he’s following in the footsteps of Jay Z) and would focus on crafting beats. Make sure to check out the track and pick up Retro Future, which comes out today.


Fluent (Feat. SpaceGhostPurrp)

“Po’d Up”

  • August 27th, 2013