I was absolutely wowed by Glasser‘s stunning album, Ring, back in 2010, so it was amazing to hear news of a new album on the way. She’s unveiled her latest track “Shape” via an abstract video and a poetic note on her website. The accompanying album, title yet to be revealed, is due out in October on True Panther. Read her note below and revel in the dark pop beauty that is “Shape”. 

I have been thinking a lot about space. Not only outer space and physical boundaries, but also inner mental space. There are so many beginnings and endings and edges and shores inside and outside our minds. Some are impossible to scale and they make us feel small. I feel small and far removed at times, and I push myself farther away in a kind of compulsion. These are physical comforts I cling to, but always when I cling to them I realize that the isolation I’m afraid of is in my heart and not on a crowded sidewalk. I also have moments of ecstasy, milestones that drive me forward in search of more. These emotions and sensations elude me though, they seem to exist in their own seperate planes. I still chase them. I can become so mesmerized by something outside myself, a person or place that I try to reflect its power and the way it makes me feel.

This is why I feel so lucky to be able to make art, especially music. My experiences flow together and become the stuff of invention. I spent the last year and a half making my new album, which will come out in October. I thought about architecture, a physical imposition in my life, and the fluid emotional boundaries of relationships, also sometimes imposed.

More news to come, in the meantime, enjoy “SHAPE”.