Sometimes the best videos are shot in a way that accurately highlights the music it is showcasing. In trying to recreate the ambience of their song San Francisco’s Yassou Benedict filmed their latest video for “Last Cicada” throughout one morning at Golden Gate Park.

While “Last Cicada” begins with mellow synth tones and softly plucked guitars, midway through a grittier sound shines through, which can catch a listener off guard. In the video this change is represented in how the sole character (lead singer Lilie Bytheway Hoy) reacts to her surroundings—as one at first before taking her angst out on her make-shift table setting and eventually wandering off. Throughout the song’s latter half distorted male vocals and a heavier full-band arrangement contrast the opening climb in a way that highlights the differences in emotion that are at times combatting for attention within struggling minds.


Theo Quimby directed the video for “Last Cicada”, the second single off of Yassou Benedict’s debut EP The Fits In Dreams.