Here’s something y’all haven’t heard in awhile – a contemporary dance that claims to take inspiration from the classics, and actually means it. LBCK, or Long Beach City Kids, do just that with the release of their newest track “Call My Name,” a slowed-down, funk-influenced house joint which recontextualizes the grooves of the past while remaining innovative enough to push the genre in new directions.

To put it simply, this track works. LBCK’s production avoids some common pitfalls endemic to contemporary dance – for starters, they actually understand the function of repetition. A groove doesn’t have to be boring, and LBCK stay right in the sweet spot that keeps “Call My Name” interesting enough for repeat headphone listens, but danceable enough for, well, actual dancing.

The electronic sub-bass brings an edge to the “Call My Name”, contrasting nicely with its funk and soul textures to give it a modern bite lying just below the track’s surface. This edge is a little more apparent in some of LBCK’s previous work, and I’m personally a fan of the harder stuff, but I’m still excited to see some more variation from the creative duo. If you also want to hear more, pick up their upcoming debut The Goods, out August 27 on HOF Records.



“Call My Name” [Premiere]

  • HOF Records
  • August 27, 2013